Roy Thomas Daniel, MD, PhD
Chair, Section of Skull Base Surgery
Roy Thomas Daniel graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Kerala State, India and specialized in neurosurgery from the Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore, India in 1997. He completed Fellowships in neurosurgery at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, Australia, and the University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV), Switzerland. After working as full professor at CMC, he joined the CHUV as Vice Chairman of Neurosurgery in 2009. Pr. Daniel has extensive experience in the surgical treatment of benign skull base tumors. He has developed several innovative surgical techniques for the treatment of skull base tumors using trans cranial approaches, endoscopic ventral skull base surgery or in combination. He has also described several innovative strategies that enable to combine skull base surgery techniques with stereotactic radiosurgery, with a view to reduce significantly the treatment related morbidity for these difficult tumors. As an active and founding member of the Skull base surgery section of the European association of Neurosurgery (EANS) since 2018, he has initiated and published several articles that detail the treatment guidelines for the treatment of these tumors. He has established the Neurosurgical Education and training laboratory (NET Lab) at the CHUV for trans-cranial and endonasal endoscopic surgeries on cadavers.This laboratory helps in the training of residents in Neurosurgery form Switzerland and rest of Europe. Work done in this laboratory has led to the description of several new surgical techniques for the treatment of brain lesions principally in the domain of skull base surgery. He is as an active and founder member of the International academy of neurosurgical anatomy (IANA) that conducts didactic teaching and training workshops for neurosurgical residents and fellows internationally, with a particular focus on developing countries. He is also an active and founder member of the Swiss SOS since 2009 that maintains a registry of all patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. The use of this database has allowed the publication of numerous high impact articles in the field of aSAH. Pioneer in pediatric epilepsy surgery, Roy Thomas Daniel has described several novel techniques of interventions based on brain disconnections for hemispheric and sub-hemispheric epilepsy, that are currently referenced in the largest epilepsy surgery centers in the world. In terms of basic research in the field, Roy Thomas Daniel is working in particular with the Neurobiology lab, Psychiatric Neuroscience Centre at the University of Lausanne on the neurobiology of epilepsy, stress and anxiety disorders linked to the amygdala and hippocampus. This work, carried out using in-vitro and in-vivo rat models in addition to human brain tissue, aim to understand the precise mechanisms of these disorders and ultimately to define new treatment modalities. The researcher is coordinating this effort between the laboratories in India and Lausanne and has received several grants from the Indian and Swiss governments. More recently Roy Thomas Daniel has helped establish the Lundin Family brain tumor research center at CHUV and is currently its Vice Director. This center builds on the long and well established history of Neuro-oncology research at Lausanne, by the consolidation and integration of the activities of the many labs at Lausanne that have made enormous basic and translational research contributions in the field. This center has the twin aims of supporting and performing cutting edge research along with offering clinical fellowships in Neuro-oncology. The multifaceted clinical and translational research activities in these domains has led Roy Thomas Daniel to publish over 250 peer reviewed articles in addition to currently leading or being involved in numerous research projects in the areas of surgery skull base, neuro-oncology and vascular neurosurgery, both at Swiss/European levels as well as through international multi-center research projects.
16:15 - 16:45
1 25 Octombrie 2024
Renaissance of Petrosal Approaches