SCHEDULE DETAILS Information of Event Schedules

World is committed to making participation in the event a harassment free experience for everyone, regardless of level of experience, gender, gender identity and expression

09:00 - 10:45

Session J - Neuro-ohtalmologic Cancers

Moderators: Elisabeta Gabriela Murgoi, Liviu Bran

09:00 - 09:15

Case Report - New Onset Glioblastoma and Complete Remission of Psoritic Arthritis

Nedelcu Mihaela

09:15 - 09:30

Intraocular Tumors Management

Liviu Bran

09:00 - 11:45

Session G - Skull Base and Pituitary Tumors

Moderators: Maria Fleșeriu, Jacek Kunicki

09:00 - 09:15

Transnasal Endoscopic Surgery of Pituitary Tumors

09:15 - 09:30

Endoscopic Endonasal Approach for Supraselar Tumors

Jacek Kunicki

09:00 - 11:00

Session D - Diagnostic in Neuro-Oncology

Moderators: Raluca Ghica, Ciprian Radu Sofariu

09:00 - 09:15

Case Reports in Brain Tumours

Mihaela Racheriu, MD, Phd

09:15 - 09:30

Advaced Imaging in Preoperative Settings

Mariana Sandu

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