Fă cunoștință cu Echipa Comitetului de Organizare
Preşedinte Comitet Organizatoric
Claudiu Matei, MD, PhD
Head of Neurosurgery Division MedLife Polisano

Nicolae Marcu
Member of the Board of Directors of MedLife, Chief Healthcare and Operations Officer

Nicolae Marcu
Member of the Board of Directors of MedLife, Chief Healthcare and Operations Officer
Nicolae Marcu has been a member of the Board of Directors of MedLife and Chief Healthcare and Operations Officer since December 2016. Nicolae Marcu is a graduate of Carol Davila Medicine and Pharmacy University of Bucharest, Faculty of Medicine (1996), and has been a doctoral student in psychiatry since 2000. Nicolae Marcu graduated a number of postgraduate studies in psychiatry in the country and abroad. Prior to his position as a member of the Board of Directors of MedLife, Nicolae Marcu was the Chief Executive Officer of MedLife between August 2006 and December 2016, and prior to joining the MedLife team, Nicolae Marcu was a specialised physician in psychiatry with "Dr. Al Obregia" Psychiatric Hospital.
Dana M. Harris, MD
Infectious Disease Specialist

Dana M. Harris, MD
Infectious Disease Specialist
Dana M. Harris, M.D., is an assistant professor in the College of Medicine at Mayo Clinic. She is Board Certified in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases. Her interests are in preventive medicine, mechanisms of disease and translation of science to practice. She has several publications and is currently enrolled in the Mayo Graduate School Immunology Master’s Program. She finds great value in the exchange of medical information and is an active lecturer in international medical conferences. Dr. Harris served on the Infection Prevention Committee and as the physician leader of the COVID Community Internal Medicine Clinic. She has found time from her busy practice to give back to the community. In 2019 she received the Community Service Award from Mayo Clinic Florida. Dr. Harris earned a bachelor’s degree in pharmacy from the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia. She practiced retail and hospital pharmacy at Emory University. She received her MD degree from the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta, Georgia. She completed her internal medicine residency at Mayo Clinic Florida and a specialty in infectious disease. She has been with Mayo Clinic Florida since 2004, except for two years when she worked at St Vincent’s in Jacksonville. Dr. Harris and her husband have two sons. She believes that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and she enjoys healthy living and regular exercise in the form of swimming and walking. Her favorite hobby is reading.
Sofia Nistor

Sofia Nistor
Member of the neurosurgery department, with practical experience in neurosurgery accumulated in neurosurgical centers:
- Cluj, University Center (Romania)
- Hospital Nord, Marseille (France)
- Centre hospitalier universitaire Vaudois Lausanne (Switzerland)
- Member of Sibiu County Council; of the College of Physicians.
Superspecialized in functional neurosurgery minimal invasive neurons surgical treatment in spasticity) neuro-oncology, complex spine surgery.
Author of the national first surgical intervention, balloon compression for trigeminal neuralgia.
In minimal invasive pein therapy and complex spinal reconstruction.
Active member of national and international scientific societies:
- Romanian Society of Neurosurgery
- European Association of Neurosurgical Societies
- AOSpine, World Institute of Pain.
Multiple publications in specialized journals and presentations in specialized national and international scientific events.
Misiunea Noastră
Conferința de Neuro-Oncologie: Comprehensive Advancements in Research and Exchanges for Neuro-Oncology își propune să promoveze un mediu colaborativ în care cercetătorii, clinicienii și profesioniștii din domeniul sănătății să poată împărtăși cunoștințe, discuta cele mai recente descoperiri în cercetare și explora noi abordări în neuro-oncologie.
Vă invităm să ne însoțiți la acest eveniment. Împreună, putem face progrese semnificative în lupta împotriva bolilor neuro-oncologice și putem îmbunătăți rezultatele pentru pacienții din întreaga lume.
Pentru mai multe informații despre conferință și pentru a vă înregistra, vă rugăm să vizitați pagina noastră de Înregistrare.