Nadir Küçük
Chief Medical Physicist, Anadolu Medical Center
Nadir Kucuk was born in Istanbul/Turkey. After high school, he completed his physics degree at the University of Uludağ and then got master degree in the area of medical physic at the Çapa Oncology Institute. In 1996, he started working as a medical physics at Uludag University Radiation Oncology department in Bursa. In 2005, he installed the first Cyberknife machine in the country, which was the 3rd in Europe, at John Hoppkins Medicine Anadolu Health Center. He has many articles and national/international presentations in this field. Nadir Kucuk, who currently works at Anadolu Medical Hospital, is particularly interested in SRS/SBRT applications, secondary irradiation and QA topics in Radiation Oncology.